Death by Lazy Staff, Monks and a Fly!

Strange Deaths ------ Daniel "Dan" Andersson Died: 16 September, 1920 Manner of Death: The bedbugs bit!. Dan Andersson was a Swedish author, poet, and sometime musician. He is a famous icon in his hometown of Sweden, with his poems, stories and songs being a household name, almost a century after they were written. Poor Dan died by accident. On 16 September, 1920 Dan travelled to the Hotel Hellman in Stockholm, to apply for a position with the Social-Demokraten Newspaper. Earlier that day the hotel staff had used hydrogen cyanide in the room, to combat the bad case of bedbugs going around. Unfortunately, they had not used the cyanide correctly – and at 3pm that day, Dan was found dead – of cyanide poisoning. He was not the only victim of carelessness, an insurance inspector named Elliott Ericksson also died the same way. ------ Hypatia Died: 420AD Manner of death: Murdered by Christian monks Hypatia was the first documented female mathematician, astronom...