Creepy Women

I live in the US. My family and I all see things. I don't know if I believe in spirits or anything but i know i see things and so do most ppl in my family though most don't talk about it. they feel it could bring such things into your life by aknowledging them. I am going to tell you the worst thing i've seen. I'm not like them and I talk about things but this scares me so much that i've not told anyone except my boyfriend who was there and thinking about it makes me nauseated. One night my boyfriend and I were in our bedroom having an arguement. i felt a presence in the other room but that normal for me so i ignored it.

We finish our conversation and i went to the bathroom which is through that other room. when i opened the door there was a lady standing there. at first i thought she was old but as i stared at her in shock her age seemed to flicker from 10 to 100 rapidly. As if you could see what she looked like or the ages were fighting inside her. it's hard to describe. in her left and she held a big eye. it was about 4 in wide and had top and bottom lids though they were attached to nothing and even blinked. inside it instead of the usual eyeball was an orb and in it i could see sands. like in desert. you could see the sand dunes with sand blowing off of them by some wind or storm and even the sky. the eye terrified me as if by continuing to look in it my mind would be trapped in it forever or something else horrible would happen.

When i looked up at her face she had this sweet innocent smile that freaked me out more than the eye. i could tell her reasons for being there were not good intentions. i told her to leave that there was nothing for her there. she stayed a few moments and disappeared. i fear it won't be her last appearance. and i've searched online and can't find anything like this woman. has anyone heard anything like this before or know anything that could explain?


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