Sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis, You wake up in the middle of the night and you find that you cannot move or scream for help. Just you're able to breathe, you feel even a weight on the chest. You feel a presence along the bed, you feel that it is negative, but more importantly, you feel powerless to be able to react. Regardless of the medical explanation, or the paranormal theory for this surprisingly common phenomenon that affects thousands of people, not denying that you it's a frightening experience for those who suffer it. Many experts in the paranormal claim that some people experiencing sleep paralysis are being subjected by negative entities. There have been many reports about strange experiences during the phase of transition between sleep and wakefulness (called the hypnotic state). It is well known that visits occur during sleep, which is when most unprotected for our being and relatively easy for a spirit or entity communicate with nosotros.hay spirits or entities who choose to psychological or physical assault against the victim. Some people even say being sexually assaulted by an unknown force, commonly known as Incubus. An Incubus is a demon in the form of male sexually assault women while they sleep

according to science Sleep researchers conclude that, in most cases, sleep paralysis is simply a sign that your body is not moving smoothly through the stages of sleep. Rarely is sleep paralysis linked to deep underlying psychiatric problems —


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