Creepy haunted house

Alright well this story is real. You can choose to believe it or not but I know what happened and before it happened I wouldn't of believed either. The summer before my senior year in high school my parents decided that we needed a bigger house so we went on the search. After about a month my mom came to us and said she had found the most beautiful house ever in the country and for a great price. I was ecstatic, we had only looked for a short time and I loved being in the country because at the that time I hunted a lot so with property further in the country I was set. We all went to see the house and my mother was right it was a beautiful place. An old farm house, two story, white but with quite a creepy cellar and even a little apartment to the side. I went inside and it was great, almost every room had a fireplace, hard wood floors and after we painted it the place just looked stunning. My room was the first room up the stairs and to the left. Inside was just a simple room, medium sized, two windows and two closets that connect through two doors to my brothers room. I loved the place and spent hours in my room alone with nothing more than a few creaks from old settling floors.

The cellar was all concrete and it looked like someone had taken a hammer to the walls but the story was that a cop lived there before us and one day was upset so he went down there and just unloaded a 9mm along the wall, odd but nothing too alarming about it. One day after being there around four months, I came home late, my family was out shopping and I knew I be there alone but when I got there no lights, not even a the lamp post was on. The power was out, yay me. I wasn't alarmed because I knew my family wouldn't be long and being in the dark didn't really freak me out. So I just went inside but as soon as I opened the door something came running at me. I froze and figured it was the end. Then it began licking my foot. It was my dog Todd, I had completely forgot about him. Haha So I just continued on and chilled in the kitchen but after sitting there for a minute I just didn't feel right, I felt like someone was watching me and that was enough for me to go wait outside for my parents. I brushed that night off as just letting the darkness get to me. After being there around six months I knew it wasn't just the darkness but it WAS something very dark. I was in my room getting ready for bed. I was watching Shrek but turned it off to go to sleep. I sent a text right before I closed my eyes so I remember that it was exactly 10:12 when I laid down. At 10:47 I woke up abruptly to things crashing to the floor and heard a strange whooshing sound in my room. I didn't really think anything of it, just thought something fell of my shelf. So I grabbed my phone but the light wasn't bright enough to see anything so I turned the flash light app on. When I raised it up things were spinning around my room but that wasn't what got me. At the foot of my bed was this thing I don't know what it was. It was like black swirling mist of a person and after that I don't remember anything but I got out of bed and came back to standing at my door talking to my dad. Apparently the dog had been standing at my door barking and he came to see what was going on and found that I was screaming for him. My grandma which was one room over and my brother who's room connected to mine never even heard me. I went down stairs and so did everyone because the whooshing noise now filled the entire upstairs. They kept asking me what happened but I just couldn't talk and then finally I tried and I just started balling like a baby. After coming downstairs it sounded like someone was stomping down the stairs then through the kitchen and then the kitchen table started rattling like something had gotten on top of it and the sink turned on. My family was terrified and I was just there crying. A lot more stuff happened and we eventually moved. The day after it happened my brother took a picture in my room and got something. They also screwed a picture of the Lord's Prayer on my mantle and that night it fell off and was shattered, which should have been impossible. After that first night though I lived with a friend for three months. It was something like I had never experienced and I hope never to again.

The picture was taken the day after the incident through the doorway of my room. We had other odd pictures, none has distinct as that one but when we saved them to a laptop they all saved as blank copies. That picture was the only one saved because I took it with me when I left the house. The location is 1892 State Route 279 in Jackson Ohio. The last night of being in the house my mother woke up and she said it felt like she was being choked and my father said he was awake for the whole thing but he couldn't move or scream just lay there. My mom had what looked like burn marks around her throat and arms. There has been two families move in there after us neither lasting over a year and the family before is also stayed less than a year. —

Location: Jackson, OH. USA


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