Creepy Girl

When I was in school.. I used to be scared of going into my school toilets alone, this is because every time I was in there by myself I would see a young girl standing in the shower with the old uniform on.. I tried ignoring her for about many days, as I thought I was going mad because nobody else saw it, but she never moved. I spoke to my mum about it, I was so scared even though the young girl hadn't moved, and my mum told me to talk to the ghost, (I thought that was pretty silly because she never spoke) I did talk to her, and I asked her to leave me alone, but still no movement.

I spoke to a lunch lady about it and a girl a year above me, and the girl said that it was a curse called "Bloody Mary", this is where you stand in front of a mirror and say "Bloody Mary" three times and Mary Tudor would come out of the mirror at you with an Axe. It is obvious this is not true, but being as young as I was, I believed it, which made me become more scared than I already was.

I believed this continuously for the next year, until a close friend of mine passed away in year four, which I then found out that 5 years before another girl had passed away from the same school, I'm not too sure how, but my teacher told me that a young girl had also died 5 years ago. We made a memorial area in school for them both. All I know about the girl who had died first is her name, Hannah.

location:winchester england


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