
Fear of mirrors (and this confession consists of the word 'washroom' quite a lot of times, if you people want to make fun of it just for some likes, go ahead)

Whenever i am awake at night, thinking about stuff, i just wish i dont get the urge to go to the washroom. i dont want to ! not because of the scary-half lit corridors (with enough light to show you every corner and every shadow, but not enough to cover up the fears), not because of the thought of spending two minutes in a small room (the washroom) which is said to be the home of djinns and all sorts of evil creatures, and not because when i will come back to bed in the darkness, i could find another person sleeping here. but because of the few seconds i will have to spend washing my hands on the wash basin in front of the mirror. i am suffering from 'fear of mirrors'.

I dont know when it started, but it has completely taken over my mind now. even in broad daylight i dont want to see a mirror. many people are scared of mirrors, and the most common reason is that they could see another person standing behind them in the mirror as they show in the movies.

My reason is different. i am scared of my own reflection. maybe this fear originated after i came to know about the superstitions regarding 'the other side' of the mirror. and it was intensified by the horrible scenes in movies where a person looks away from the mirror but his reflection continues to stare at him. this is
what i feel now. once i am in front of the mirror, i cant even look back at my reflection in the eye. and when i walk away, it scares me for long that 'when i walked away from there, my reflection could still be standing there, with an evil smile spread over its face' i know, many of you will write "you are suffering from something-phobia" and might call me stupid or over reacting.

Even i know i am being stupid, i know ghosts dont exist. i keep telling that to myself. but then this question pops up again in my mind leaving back the horror again 'BUT WHAT IF THEY DO??'


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