Ghost Confessions Stories

Today, I'm gonna add a new entrant to the list of scary things.

Ever seen those old-fashioned lifts without electrical operations? The ones that have to be opened and closed manually? I've had a scientifically impossible experience with one at my home.

I'd moved to Rajkot, and I lived on 2F. Apart from the ground floor and my own apartment, the whole 5F building was empty. Usually, when I used to go to the roof to chill out, the lift's lights would start to flicker. Being an engineering student, I obviously took it to be a loose connection of sorts. "There's no such thing as ghosts", I'd heard right from childhood. And trust me on this, I totally believed it. Until one day.

There was a power failure in the town, so I decided to use the staircase. On 1F, while playing with my bike keys, I accidently dropped them through the floor-gates of the lift, to the bottom. It freaked me out a little at first, but I went to the ground floor anyway and pushed the gate open (there is a trick to do it) and went down to the springs at the bottom. While picking it up, I heard a screeching sound but I ignored it. When I looked up, do you know what I saw? The lift was coming down from my floor, straight at me. Without any tension from the above, as if the the chords had broken. I closed my eyes and waited. 1second. 2seconds. 3..4..5.... And when I opened them, I nearly died of shock. It had stopped half an inch away from my head. And then, there was a man's laughter (as far as I could make out) Then without warning, it started to go upwards, and went till the 5F! I hurriedly got out, gasping for breath and knocked on the ground floor's door. When I told them, they said something that made my hair stand at its ends. "But son, the power hasn't returned since six hours!"


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