The Evil one hates our Prayers and Faith

Hi something horrible happened to me a week a ago it happened on a Sunday afternoon,

I was having a lazy day I made my self brunch my daughter who is sixteen months she was up stairs with my in laws I live under them in a basement suit they were getting ready for church and my husband was at work so I thought I could just sleep in and have some time to myself so I went to go get my daughter to get her ready so she can go with them, And that weekend I was having teeth pain I have to get my wisdom teeth out I was kinda sad and was mad cause I kept praying for god to heal me I felt like giving up I was so sore with a lock jaw I felt so helpless about the situation cause the dentist won't help until I can open wide enough to do surgery..

Anyways they left and I went for a nap and in my room i can still see everything cause I have a plug in lamp so I fell a sleep and I was dreaming of washing some floors in a weird building then I woke up and something was holding my two hands against my neck so it was making me choke myself and my body was frozen I couldn't move anything I thought I was going to die I thought I would never see my daughter again I felt the spit going down my throat and I couldn't move my mouth to pray so I said in my head IN THE NAME OF JESUS FLEE and I went un num and a light appeared in my room then disappeared in seconds I knew it was the devil or demon attacking me and god answered me! I started crying and went up stairs called my husband to hurry home and I prayed and started to sing songs for god I felt so much better! Thanks for listening I wanna know if this had happened to anyone else ?


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