Ghost Story

This incident happened with me in 2009 when i was in 9th std. it was Janmastimi. around 11 at night my mom, dad n my sis were about to go to ISKON temple for pooja which was going to be held at 12 mid night . they asked me to come but my unit test were going on so i told them that ill stay home n study( though my plan was to watch tv....... hahaha lol.......)so they left me alone. i was watching tv when my door bell rang. i opened the door and saw no one outside...... i thought it must be Tanu a 3 year old boy who regularly comes to my house but when i checked their door, no was there in their house too..... that means i was the only person on my floor. all the other flats were empty.i was scared but later i got caried away with my tv show 'Discovery show i shouldnt be alive' than at 12 i went inside my room to study. there is a 2 meter corridor which goes from hall to my room and on left side of the corridor there a washroom and on the right side a store room, though we use it as Pooja room and to keep our computer. i was sitting on my bed with my bio book on my lap but suddenly i heard a loud bang on the window as if a heavy object dashed on the window..... it was damn scary.....( i m living on 11th floor.... there is no chances of any one throwing any on the window.) i jumped from the bed and rushed to my rooms door.... as soon as opened the door and a buzzzzz..... sound came from it . i had to open it forcibly, I felt someone pulling from the other side . i went to the store room..... and then the door of the washroom closed with a loud thudd.... it was a very loud......... so loud that i felt the air which got pushed outside the wasroom due to vaccume crearet inside(all the physics stuff). then i heard tv bieng switched on on its own and then i could hear dragging of the chair of dinning table......the voice seemed to be coming towards me ............. i was scared up to death....... then immediately i took a ganesh idle from the storeroom where i was standing (remmember i mentioned above that we keep our pooja stuff in the room) and i switched on the computer and played Hanuman chalisa on youtube( i know... its funny... and i don't believe in god...) and every movement around me stopped.... only the voice comming was the hanuman chalisa...... i stayed in the store for i guess around 15- 20 minutes until my mom opened the door with the extra spare key she had. when i came out of the store room i saw the chair was actully very close to the storeroom. I cleary remembered that before leaving the hall i saw all the chairs in place. i told every thing to her...... she did not say any thing and the very next day she conducted a small havan. its 2013 now and nothing else happened till date.


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