Ghost Confessions Stories

I have two experiences I want to share this happened at my parents house in Thunder Bay Ontario ...I was a teen when this happened and it goes like this I had just got home from hockey practice and I was getting myself ready for a good night sleep..And my bedroom had no walls at the time so I was using sheets as a blind to have privacy as I was lying on my bed my eyes were closed so I heard a noise which made me open my. When I opened my eyes there was this all black figure playing with the bed sheet I was using as a wall so I called out loud to this thing saying" dad Is

Ss that you Hey dad " but this black figure did not speak so I blunked and rubbed my eyes to see better and when I did this figure had moved right in front if me I closed my eyes again and started praying I opened my eyes and the figure was gone.....and this other time me and a friend had stayed up all night watching movies and it was about 5

30 when all of a sudden we hear running around upstairs in the living back and forth from the front door to the back and then once up and down the stairs then to the front door again then again we hear the door opening and slamming shut .so me and my friend looked at each other and i could tell we were thinking the same thing who would be up this early on a sat. So I went to go check what was up as I was going up the stairs I loomed around the main floor and I checked the doors And both doors were still locked so I went to the top floor to ask my parents to see and ask who was running around this early in the am but my parents told me that noone was and that everyone was still sleeping after that I just shook it off and put it behind me..

located : thunderbay ontario


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