Fata Morgana

I wouldn't call this a ghost story,more like a spiritual story.
My cousin and I were partying around,it was the third day. We had just made a "run" and were trying to figure out the next move. We were feeling no pain and was bulletproof. As we drove the rez, we decided to go to the lower part aka LA. We were driving around a sharp corner in the road. I didn't realize just how fast we were going until I saw and felt the pickup leave the pavement and hit the gravel. I braced for the inevitable. I never felt the crash,or didn't want to remember but I did manage to open my eyes and look around for a second.

The truck was upside down in a field,the wheels still spinning,engine running,and dust clouds all over. I looked for my cousin and didn't see him. I started to sit up,( I was laying about 20 feet from the pickup) and got super dizzy. I put my head down and tried to call his name. I believe I passed out again,'cause the next thing I remember is hearing the sirens and yelling at my cuz,that help was coming.

I saw my cousin stand up, he was on the opposite side of the pickup, holding his head. He turned and ran off. I yelled at him to wait but was unable to keep consiousness. I blacked out.

I came to in the hospital, it had been two days since I was awake. Everyone was happy to see me awake and talking. We talked about what happened and I asked how long was I out. I asked how my cuz was doing. I got silence, I were asked and finally someone said, he didn't make it. I was dumbfounded and immediately started retelling what I had seen. After listening to me, my relatives all shared a surprized look with each other. I asked what was going on.

They told me the my cuz had been crushed by the rollover of the pickup and was found lying with his head under the weight of the truck. I checked myself out and went to the wake and funeral.Sometime during the services I felt that my cousin was at rest and immediately started to cry,for the loss. I feel good about his spirit being at rest.


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