Family Curse

When I used to live with my mom i would always get a feeling i was being watched. Started when i was a kid (about 12years old) and i was laying in bed, always with my bedroom door open and all was dark except we left the bathroom light on, i seen a shadow or dark figure walk by kinda fast.

I turned over to face the wall and fell asleep. after that i always caught glimpes of this dark thing out the corner of my eye. I told my mom and she said she sees them too but not to be worried because they aren't here to harm us. So i brushed it off until one night i was in my bed almost asleep when i felt someone sit down on my bed next to me. I wasn't scared so i opened my eyes and seen the dark figure, only it was wearing a cowboy hat.

I just smiled, said goodnight and turned over to face the wall and fell asleep no problem. I told my mom the next morning and she said she thinks i was seeing granpa (her dad). I never thought about it being him because he passed away way before i was even thought of. and when my ma showed me pictures, he was in a cowboy hat in every pic.

She assured me that he was most likely just checking up on the house and us. also he is buried behind her house. so i never got too scared when i would see the shadow, or feel like he was there next to me.
now a days when i go up to her house to visit, my sister has said she sees this shadow as well. i just tell her what my ma told me.

She is less scared now too. although when i go up there i still feel that presence and see that shadow. but it's not a bad feeling i have, more of a relief. like at least i know someone is watching over us.


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