Cursed Sleep

This happened the summer of 2006 in Kansas. We lived in a two bedroom apartment with a patio and glass sliding door. My husband who was in the military at the time would get up at 4:30 in the morning and get dressed for PT then usually went back to sleep on the couch for a few minutes before leaving the house. He had his alarm set for 5:10 so he knew when to get up again. As he was sleeping he said he heard someone tell him to wake up and he heard his alarm, he grabbed his phone and it said 5:05. In that same moment he heard a loud thump then a shatter.

He came into the room and woke me up, and told me what he heard. We started to check our entertainment center first to check if glass busted around it. We didn't find anything so we went to check the kitchen. When we turned on the dining room lights we saw our sliding door was in pieces but still intact. We worried maybe someone was throwing something from outside, so my husband ran outside to check while I called the police to report it.

My husband came inside and said he didn't see anything and by that time the police showed up. An officer came to check the area and then asked to come into our house to see the door. As he inspected it he said it shattered from inside and began questioning whether we were fighting. I was bothered and told the officer if was gonna fight with my husband it wouldn't be at 5 in the morning when I had to be at work by 8. He took a report and believed us and said he had never seen anything like it and showed us an impact site on the sliding door. The glass looked like a baseball hit it in one spot and the breakage spread out from that point. It was a double pane glass and the outside of it was unbroken. Our complex change the glass and said they couldn't explain what could have happened either.

About a week later my mom saw a medicine man on our behalf for it, and he told us someone was in our house trying to curse my husband while he slept, but they were interrupted by something. He said they tried to leave out through the door but they couldn't go through the glass and busted it. What struck us odd about everything was the fact that my husbands alarm went off 5 minutes before it was suppose to and he remembers vividly someone telling him to wake up. We always smudge and always burn sage and tobacco, and are always told to be careful who we invite into our home.


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