Broken Wings

I have had many sightings of different birds. Each time the bird was as awesome or awesome-er than before. Even though there were other people present at each sighting, no one else saw these birds. They had form, color, shape, distinct features that would show each bird was a separate bird. This one is about the most biggest, most colorful, most beautiful bird I ever saw. Most times you see something, you recall what it is you are looking at. My first thought was Phoenix. Then Thunderbird.
Now the time of this sighting was just seconds. No one times themselves while enjoying something beautiful. And the chances of this happening to anyone else are probably very small. So here goes.

I was living in Winnipeg when this happened. My wife and I were just on our way home. I was standing outside waiting for my wife. While enjoying the Northern lights. Now this is unusual in any big city. Because of the lights.

Now I was watching the Northern Lights as they were such nice colors that night. Red, yellows, blues and green where the most prominent colors, with purples and other rainbow colors moving around. Then all of a sudden all the Northern Lights just went straight up. Then they came down fast. As they came down they formed into what I knew as a PHOENIX. HEAD, BEAK, NECK, BODY, WINGS, LEGS, CLAWS, SHOWING EVERY DETAIL. The wings were out stretched upward and the claws were open as if ready to pick something up. The head was to the side and the beak looked like an eagles. Not something like a bird, but an actual bird that looked like it was on fire. Then it went back up above the Northern Lights and that was the last I saw of it. I knew I saw something amazing that night. I was excited when I saw it and I yelled at my wife, look at the Big Bird. By the time she got to me it was gone. It was awesome.

The first thought of what I saw was of a Phoenix. But since I was a Saulteaux Indian, I labeled it a Thunderbird.

Remember what I saw was only seconds from when the Northern Lights went up and came down in the shape they did. i can probably spend the rest of my life looking at the Northern Lights and never see it again. Yea, I know sounds crazy. Right.


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