Another True Story

This is going to be lengthy but, here it goes. Everything I am about to tell you is real, it happened to me, my siblings and boyfriend seen and heard, "her."

I will also only tell you the significant times I remember with this experience with, "her."

These events happened over the years of 2009 and nearly ended in 2012.

I used to work with a woman back in 2009 who said she is a government tested reader (spiritual healer) She stated she can see the day you were born until the day you pass on. One day I asked her if she could read me. She told me I was going to go berry picking for red berries that up-coming weekend (and I did!) Then she also told me she said I was going to meet a girl in about roughly six months, She said this girl would have long black hair, pale skin, and would wear a red dress. When she told me that I was afraid for some reason, I then asked her, "Is this woman a demon?" She looked at me weird and said, "I don't know."

I did meet this girl, but not in the usual way a person would meet another person.

(Note: I was born with sixth sense from my mothers side.)

Roughly six months later, forgetting what the reader told me, I was visiting my boyfriend this one evening, as usual, but this time I felt something very wrong in his house. I felt a bad spirit it made me feel uncomfortable. As my boyfriend was dropping me off back home, I could literally feel, "it" following me back. My boyfriend was visiting me now and I still felt that spirit with us. I figured it would follow my boyfriend back when he would leave. He left for the night and I still felt it there.

As I tried going to sleep that night I felt it in my bedroom, I felt it walk to my side of my bed, and I felt it look down and smile creepily at me. That's when I got the, "Flashes," it was almost exactly as the reader described, except what my, "Flashes" was different. Her skin was so fleshy and pale, her body was small and unhealthily skinny, like it was almost only skin and bones, she had long arms that reached to her knees, with HUGE hands. This spirit had long black almost-scraggly hair. Her face, she had a small nose, and small lips. And where her eyes were supposed to be, there was no eyes, just massive black pits. Her smile was a long taunting smile. Imagine something like that, looking down at you while your trying to sleep. She scared the shit out of me so much I had the courage to text my sisters to come upstairs and open the lights for me. They helped calm me down, and they told me that they did feel something different when me and my boyfriend came back to the house. I texted my boyfriend to take the spirit back and that I didn't want it around me. I felt it leave.

I realized that night, that that was the woman I was going to meet in six months time. And my assumption (What I asked the reader if that woman was a demon) was very close. She was NOT a human spirit either.

I couldn't sage, or bless, or do anything about it, nothing worked. I had to live with this spirit. It just wouldn't leave me alone, it would move things on me, give me that feeling of being watched, scare me by banging things like the walls or giving me scary, "flashes." I remember I used to fear this spirit so much I would disrespect it, I called her names like, "Your a freak leave me alone! Your ugly! Go back to hell where you came from!" etc etc. I just wasn't nice about it.

I was sleeping over my boyfriends house and he fell asleep before me. I was trying to fall asleep but soon after I felt something in the corner of his room, that's when I knew it was her. I started to get a little scared and tried to ignore her as best as I could. Then I heard soft thumps walking closer to the bed. I kept thinking to myself, just ignore her, she won't do anything. Then I felt the blanket get tugged, it was crawling on the bed. I froze, solid, holding in my breath. I felt the blankets get pressed down, rustling slowly crawling towards us. The rustling stopped behind my boyfriends head and that's when I heard a loud taunting giggle of a little girl so loud and clear that I still, to this day, remember how it sounded. I freaked out, and started to shake my boyfriend awake, almost in tears, "Babe! Babe! It giggled! I heard her giggle!" He told me to ignore her and go to sleep. I did.

One day I decided to be nice to her. I felt terrible for purposely hurting her feelings because I knew she was real, I could feel that this spirit has a soul. I slowly started complimenting her when I felt her around, telling the spirit I was sorry for being mean, that I wanted her to be my friend, and that she was pretty, etc etc. That's when things started to slow down, I no longer felt fear of her. The nicer I treated her the more change I started to see. The spirit even looked different, instead of looking terrifying like she did at first this time she wore a white dress, her hair looked healthy and thick and straight, she had a cute pretty face and big round eyes, her skin looked less "fleshy," and her body didn't look unhealthy skinny anymore. She looked really healthy. She followed me around everywhere I went.

She whispered her name to me one night when I was about to fall asleep, I asked her what her name was, and I heard her light voice whisper back, "Clowette." I remember saying, "What a pretty name you have." I slept peacefully that night.

My sister would often see her, one of them told me when she woke up early in the morning that she seen her kind of swiftly (Her feet not touching the ground either) go into my side of the basement from time to time.

One day I told my sister, "She wears make-up now." I knew this because she, "showed," me through my, "flashes." She looked adorable. I just figured I would share the news with my sister. That same day my sister texted me something very similar while I was at the movies, (My sister was alone in the basement when she texted) "I heard her is using your make-up. I heard noises coming from where your make-up is. xD"

I guess you can say after a year and a half since meeting her that me and my sisters had gotten used to her presence.

I remember asking her from time to time (alot) , "Hey, when can I see you? You know physically? With my eyes?" I knew she wouldn't show me because I do know it takes alot of energy for spirits to materialize themselves, but it didn't hurt to ask. Maybe six or more months later of time to time asking her the same question, one night when I was alone in the basement, I was laying down on my bed, internet surfing, through my laptop to kill time. I was getting uncomfortable laying down I decided to sit up, and right when I set my laptop down in-front of me (so I could re-position myself) that's when I seen her. Physically see her. She floated toward me as if she took a step to me. She WAS everything that I described! (Of course she was.) White dress, healthy looking and, and so so pretty. She only appeared for a good second though. I was so happy she finally showed me, I said out loud, "Hi" I said it so casually. I fell asleep happily that night.

This spirit was like my guardian angel, whenever I felt something bad around me I would ask her to watch over me, and she did. I grew to love her, she was my friend. I don't feel her much anymore, I wish I did, just writing my story down makes me miss her dearly.

I guess you can say the moral of my lesson I needed to learn was, no matter what kind of spirit a spirit is, person or non-person that it is a spirit and they do have a soul and they are as real as anyone or anything. And that not all scary-looking spirits are always BAD, that's like stereo typing, pre-judging...

Just respect everything and everyone, and most of all love everything and everyone around you, persons or non-persons.


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