Another Nightmares

One late night after an argument with my uncle, who had too much to drink, I was laying in my bed. I had this unsettling, uncomfortable feeling that I could not shake. Thinking I would sleep better and feel safe, I thought I would sleep in my aunts room

My room was at the end of our Trailor and my aunts room was at the beginning of the hallway. So I wouldn't have to walk far.

The only light visible that night was the one coming from my room. Otherwise the whole Trailor was pitch black. I began to walk down our dark hallway and that feeling I had, had gotten stronger. All I could think of was I would feel better soon once I got to her room.
As I was bout to open her door I looked into the Livingroom. Standing there was this 6' black figure. It was standing over my uncle watching him sleep. I remember to this day every detail bout it. It had mid length stringy hair and long skinny fingers spread out. Its stance looked menacing.

Frozen in fear, it felt like forever that I was watching this figure watch my uncle sleep. It looked like it was bout to turn around. Finally I got up the courage to open the door. I hurriedly shut it and laid underneath the blankets. Then I hear footsteps walking down the hallway. I prayed to God this thing wouldn't open the door. And then the footsteps fade towards my room.
I was freaked out. I didn't tell anyone the next day. It took me a few more experiences that finally I told my grandpa what I saw and that this figure was bothering me. He said a prayer and smugged me. My Grandpa gave me a picture of Jesus to put over my bed. After that I never seen that figure again.


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