Another Ghosts Stories

The place I used to live in has quite a history that I only learned about as the above years progressed. Friends and family that used to visit me at the place used to tell me that my house gave them the creeps and they had good reason; there was definitely bad vibes felt most times. Within the first year, the ex and I would argue most times and the first experience I recall involved I and him arguing in the bedroom as we were supposed to be going to sleep. He got angry and exited the bedroom in a rush and slammed the door behind him. Seconds later he bursts into the room and gets directly under the covers shaken up. He said he heard the dishes shaking in the sink; the fight ended.

The second occurrence involved, yet again, an argument but this time I left the room angry and went into the dark living room. I pulled the cushions off the couch and lay them on the floor where i decided I would sleep for the night. I was there for about ten minutes when I thought i heard the bedroom door open and footsteps make their way into the living room quietly and walk around where i was sleeping. At the moment, I assumed it was my ex attempting to fix the situation and so I was "frontin" lol and lay there silent pretending to sleep. About 15 seconds passed and suddenly the bedroom door opened loudly and the hall way light flicked on and the ex comes storming into the living room still angry. I didn't freak but rather welcomed his presence though minutes earlier i was pissed; I lay there quiet thinking about who that could have been creeping around my make shift bed! Once again the fight ended.

I eventually broke up with the guy and my bro and his lady moved in with me. Nothing happened for awhile after that until one night I was out on the reserve at my parents place for a visit. It was about 4am when my mom yelled down the stairs at me while I slept in the basement, "come upstairs right away, **** & ****** are here!". Keep in mind that the drive from Regina to my reserve is about 1 1/2 hours. My roomies showed up scared saying that it sounded like the broom was thrown down the basement stairs. They knew it was the broom because my bro checked the stairs and seen the broom laying at the bottom. His lady also said she the back of a woman with long hair flowing behind her exit my bedroom and go down the hallway into the kitchen / living room area earlier and was too scared to tell her guy until they heard the broom falling. I never asked but I think they were probably arguing that night considering the moments these occurrences took place.

Some time later, I had some friends who needed a place to stay for a night so i told them they could stay in my bedroom and i would sleep in my bro's room as he and his lady were gone to a powwow. The 3 of us went to bed about 2am. I remember laying with my back to the door as I tried to fall asleep but it was hard cause it felt like someone was watching me and i felt this weird vibe coming from the door area. BANG! Someone or something banged on the metal railing of the stairs leading up to the front door that was just outside the window. I just closed my eyes real tight and eventually fell asleep scared as hell. Morning came and i went out to the living room and my guests were already awake and were for hours. The woman told me she had woke and seen a dark figure watching them from the corner right in front of the closed bedroom door in the middle of the night. Her boyfriend also said that he woke after we had went to sleep and attempted to watch tv in the living room only to see a shadow passing through the hall into the bedrooms numerous times before he decided to go back to the room where his woman seen the same. Creepy!

It was about three months later in the summer and my roomies left for another powwow somewhere and i stayed in the city trying to be cool and party around. I was hung over one afternoon and was sitting on the couch in the living room. At the time, my couch sat along a wall that divided the kitchen from the living room. At head's level, if sitting on the couch, there was a large "window" in the wall with a counter that connected the rooms. I sat there feeling sick and hot, no music or tv was on when i heard the distinct sound of my cell phone being set down on the dresser in my bedroom. Weird. I got up and went and got my phone and the message read "clear inbox to receive". I was hung over and didn't care about the fact that I was alone so it was impossible for me to hear the sound of my phone being handled. Meh i thought, I went back to the couch and started cleaning my inbox when behind me, beyond the window in the wall, i heard a long, heavy sigh, almost like someone took there last breath. This time I freaked and yelled out "Im not in the ****ing mood!, leave me alone!" I got ready and left and didn't return till Sunday when my roomies got back.

It was probably a few weeks later when my bro's lady told me that her friend told her that her uncle had been murdered in the house about 20 years earlier by his wife. They had an abusive relationship and were drinking when they got into an argument when things got out of hand and she stabbed him in front of the "window" in the kitchen. When i heard this I immediately thought "I heard his last breath". She described him to having been tall with long black hair. The months that followed after learning this I started feeling the presence more and more, even in my dreams. My roomies moved out and my sister moved in and by this time i was scared of my house completely and was probably traumatized if you consider the dreams. One night I was so scared of the vibes that I asked my sister to sleep with me, she did being the sport she is and we fell asleep. I slept by the wall and her by the edge.

The dream: I came to in the dark basement of the house and made my way up the stairs to the top when a man walked in front of me with long black hair and no shirt on through the kitchen and down the hallway towards my bedroom. Its like i close my eyes and when i open them Im looking at my sister beside me and then at the door through the darkness. Im scared as heck as I know he's coming. The door opens and a man with no face with long hair behind him is coming at me angry. I lift my leg high and kick as he grabs me. "AHHHHHHH, what was that for?!" I wake to realize I just kicked my sister right in the stomach! Poor girl. Call me crazy butI believe that the spirit knew that I knew about him and somehow his experience was deliberately being forced upon me and the people around me. The vibes were there from the get go. Many other shady things happened through out the years that I had just became used to; things like being watched, tapping, and an ominous buzz at times.

I was so happy to move into my new place after years of fear, so much that I forgot about the feelings of the unknown until last year.
I dreamed that I was walking by the place and felt the need to go and see if "renovations" had been done. A young native girl answered the door and I told her that I lived there before here and wanted to see it again. She obliged but before I could even step into the doorway an unseen force violently pushed me into the house from behind. I fell onto the floor and the door slammed shut behind me and the girl. That was the dream and it scared the shit out of me. Got me thinking about the spirit right away. Is it possible that spirits can get to "know" you and actually develop a relationship with people? Sounds crazy but I believe this ghost was trying to abuse me in light of the happenings when arguments were in effect and other people were around me; like a jealous boyfriend. Nothing has happened since and I am glad, I hope he moved on lol.


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