Ancient Ceremony

Back in 1990 my Grandmother had passed away and it had left a huge void in my life. We did everything together and she meant the world to me. Even to this day I get chocked up just talking about her. She passed away when I was 9 years old and I didn't know how to deal with the loss, still don't really, and I missed her no matter how much time had passed.

A couple of years later my mom moved to the west coast and I decided I didn't want to leave my friends and family so I moved in with my grandpa. This all has a purpose that I will explain shortly. After a couple years of loneliness and sadness bad things started to happen to me.

One night I was frozen to my bed and couldn't move, I could move only my head and I was hovering over my bed and if I could I would have been able to touch the ceiling. Things only started to get worse as time went on. Each night my bed would shake before I went to sleep no matter what I did. It's as though the split second I would be falling asleep something would shake me awake just to scare me.

Though I was raised around traditional practices and had been involved in ceremony from a young age this thing that had attached itself to me was not of the Native Culture. It would never bother me if I was sleeping in a bed with someone but was always there when I was alone. No matter where I went it was always there following me and waiting for its opportunity.

I lived alone in a small town over the summer of 2006 and this thing would grab and pull my leg into the air each night before I slept. I began to know when it was in my presence only before bed and always when I was alone because before anything would happen there would be absolute silence. The kind of silence that you could feel in the air. The silence that if there was a loud ticking sort of clock you could no longer hear it until it had left. In 2008 my father was diagnosed with cancer and would die within 6 months. Before he had been diagnosed we were not on speaking terms and he had actually been suicidal.

This is what he had told me. Hour also told me that he was bothered by a demon since he was my around 10 or 11 and that it stayed with him until he had died. He said that in his suicidal state he had invited the demon into his body and that's when he was diagnosed with cancer. I was gifted with some knowledge of the spiritual world and had fended off a few bad medicine attacks my family would be receiving and had the ability to see what was coming after us. I would use my hand drum and sing sacred songs in their presence and the spirit would always flee but this thing that attached itself to me was not of my culture.

In 2011 while spending the first night with my present girl friend I had a woke in the middle of the night and opened my eyes and she was looking at me with this evil look and bright red eyes. She immediately punched me in the face and slowly tucked her head into her chin with this evil smile. I was stunned and woke her up and she didn't remember any of it. Finally at a family members funeral in 2012 I was a pall bearer and happened to find myself standing next to a priest for a few minutes during the burial and asked to speak with him regarding a personal matter.

I told him my story and he blessed a candle and gave it to me with instructions to light it where it had first bothered me and let it burn throughout the night. It was a huge candle and could probably have been able to burn for a couple of days. I lit the candle and went to bed. I had the most restless sleep ever and woke up covered in sweat but nothing had bothered me throughout the night. Since that day it has not bothered me. Even though I maintain my belief and practice Anishnaabe Traditions and Ceremony I do realize that there are other spirits in this world from other cultures and we must be mindful of them.


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